This project retains all of it's stormwater on-site, mostly due to this retention basin found near the main entry to the site. Surface Water Management is a Credit under the LEED-H checklist. Yes, the project received the maximum points under this Credit. During and following a rain, this mix of native planting and appropriate sized basin keeps the water from leaving the site and contributing to the stormwater system for the City. Overloading stormwater systems can contribute to flooding and damage of the storm sewers and on-site treatment keeps fertilizers, chemicals, and sediment from contributing into local water bodies down the watershed.
Now to analyze the resident retention. Since opening in May of 2008, 36 residents have left the project (as of January 1, 2010). This is approximately 1.8 households per month, or less than 2%. This also means that nearly 98% of the residents continue to want to live here. 5% of those that moved out purchased a home. The clear majority of those that moved out, 46%, were evicted ~ we'll save analyzing property rules for another day ~ but it appears that the residents are happy with their homes and wanting to stay. I decided to issue a survey to try to find out more about what retains them.