Superman. A mere human transitioning into someone who can throw buses and lift the world to save it by removing his glasses.
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. a high concentration of letters for only 1 word.
Superintendent. Someone who watches over a project construction.
Superstore. (and now self-reference changed to A store that has EVERY EVERY THING. Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart is the most consistently mentioned word during interviews and conversations at Vista Dunes. I'm not saying that it is at the forefront of discussion but only that it seems to creep into every topic under observation. Location. Materials. Groceries. Shopping. Health. It all comes back to Wal-Mart.
Catchy logo. Save Money. Live Better. Bad stigma. But if Patagonia can form an alliance, it gives hope that the store can positively influence the process of consumerism or even alter it all-together.
So I toured the local Wal-Mart to evaluate. What can't be found there? Nothing that comes to mind as you enter the super-lit store. As I browsed the aisles of items from fruit to floor cleaner, from shampoo to a pedicure spa, I ended my experience by purchasing a couple gift-cards. Now I am bringing Wal-Mart to Vista Dunes and dangling the prospect of a Living Better gift card for offering more insight into questions about living at Vista Dunes. Those who were once hesitant to open the door, offered answers before all the questionnaires could be distributed. Super Fast.
Wouldn't it be Super if Patagonia could transform the store in the same manner the phone booth could change the shy, suited Clark Kent, into the bold caped Superman?