Monday, July 19, 2010

But it's a dry heat.....

Yes, it's 105 degrees out here today, and yes it was 118 out here last week, but remember "it's a dry heat".

This is an actual temperature reading taken at 12:45 in the afternoon shining at the light colored paving - fry an egg yet?  Not quite.

The good news:  the inside of the units max out at 85-90 degrees without air conditioning running all day...that was on the 118 degree day. 

More updates coming, but I have to stop dripping for now.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Generation Green

If you are a Treehugger or if you like to read this magazine, you consider yourself Generation Green, or you choose to attend events put on by him (to the right),  it is likely you will benefit from attending the Greenbuild Expo 2010 in Chicago. 

If you decide to go, and you should whether you are in the above category or not,  I encourage you to attend the seminar about this project and another post-occupancy study; it's BL05 on Friday.